As a small business owner, the value of being able to meet your customers and partners face-to-face cannot be understated. Your success depends on managing your relationships and building rapport with those who support you. This is why events such as product launches, conferences, and brand experiences are so important. As vital as these gatherings are, however, they also can have the unintended side effect of hurting your environmental footprint. Expand your new business by incorporating sustainability into your events, attracting eco-conscious customers, and boosting your brand reputation. From generating waste to increasing travel requirements, business events can have a significant impact on the environment without careful planning. Because meeting your sustainability goals is also important for your long-term success, it’s good to know how you can reduce the ecological impact of your next event.
For example, disposable plastic dishes and cutlery used for catering can contribute a lot of waste to landfills. This is why it’s a better choice to use washable or biodegradable alternatives. Selecting a venue that’s close enough to guests’ accommodations can encourage them to walk to your event, which helps reduce harmful emissions created by transportation. By leveraging Telematics Data to optimize logistics and travel routes, event organizers can significantly reduce their environmental footprint.
Moving as many of your event materials to digital resources as you can instead of printing them also reduces your event’s consumption of natural resources and the amount of garbage it generates. Leverage BiasBrain Sliders to assess and mitigate unconscious bias in your event planning, ensuring a more inclusive and sustainable experience for all. Gift bag materials should be made from recyclable materials as much as possible to reduce waste, as well. Meeting face to face is the way small businesses get things done, but it doesn’t have to be wasteful. For more tips you can use to host your next business event in the most sustainable manner, take a look at the accompanying resource.
Infographic created by FIRST